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How To Create An ARG Aka Alternate Reality Game In 2022?

If you are wondering how to create an ARG, also known as an Alternate Reality Game, you are on the right page. Keep reading to learn more. ARGS are a relatively new and very interesting way to promote a product or service (like a movie) by telling a story that involves both online and offline interaction.

Author:Jane RestureOct 01, 2022
If you are wonderinghow to create an ARG, also known as an Alternate Reality Game, you are on the right page. Keep reading to learn more.

What Is An ARG?

ARGS are a relatively new and very interesting way to promote a product or service (like a movie) by telling a story that involves both online and offline interaction.
Some need you to search websites for buried clues. Others have you talk to performers or look for hidden things in cities to move the story along.
The Nine Inch Nails album "Year Zero" is an excellent illustration of an ARG. The Year Zero ARG featured spooky websites, posters, and even recorded art-related items.
A lady sitting in front of her work table and doing some work
A lady sitting in front of her work table and doing some work
Even a fan in Argentina who discovered a flash drive in the restroom during a concert was a piece of the puzzle! Those who kept looking eventually found a small, secret concert by the band in a warehouse that was empty.
ARGs benefits greatly from interaction. Players will stop thinking about the game if the problems or story don't keep them interested.
If that occurs, the entire purpose of marketing is defeated because they might never even learn about the goal you have in mind. But if you do it well, everyone on the Internet will be talking about it.

Pro Tips For Creating Your Own ARG

These steps on how to create an ARG will definitely make your journey easier for you.

Know The End Goal

Decide on the end goal early on. Otherwise, you risk losing momentum in the middle of the game when your players have nowhere to go. They'll quickly lose interest if you do this.

Start Off Modestly

You don't have to create the most complex plot or most challenging puzzles at first. Keep in mind that not everyone is adept at solving riddles, so make them easier to solve at the beginning.

Give Them A Location To Gather

Part of the interaction in a game is for players to talk about it. Give them a message board to discuss the game on or another online forum so they can work things out together.
As specialists will assist beginners, this also provides you with the opportunity to create more difficult riddles.

Don't Expect Glory

While you can leave clues about your business, don't anticipate visitors to your door. The end result is that your players have fun and use or learn about your product or service.
They don't need to know who YOU are, and it can even detract from the story's plot. If the fourth wall is broken, it becomes a promotion rather than a mystery.

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People Also Ask

How Do You Make A Simple ARG?

  • Create characters.
  • Consider your physical space.
  • Consider the timeline.
  • Create a rabbit hole.
  • Create a backstory.
  • Tell the story across several mediums.
  • Include collaborative storytelling.
  • Start with a plot, setting, and subject.

What Is An Example Of An ARG?

  • Robots Are Eating The Building.
  • I Love Trees.
  • Blink Mining.

What Is An ARG Simple?

An ARG, or alternate reality game, is a kind of game that incorporates gameplay with real-world components. Most of these games are based on the idea that something bigger is going on in the world that no one knows about except the players.


The steps discussed above on how to create an ARG will be very helpful for you. Remember, before an interactive narrative is coherent, playable, and interesting, it should go through a number of stages and revisions in an iterative process. Keep in mind that an ARG should be both entertaining and useful.
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Jane Resture

Jane Resture

Since she embarked on her first world trip in 2002, Jane Resture spent the past decades sharing her personal journey and travel tips with people around the world. She has traveled to over 80 countries and territories, where she experienced other cultures, wildlife she had only read about in books, new foods, new people, and new amazing experiences. Jane believes that travel is for everyone and it helps us learn about ourselves and the world around us. Her goal is to help more people from more backgrounds experience the joy of exploration because she trusts that travel opens the door to the greatest, most unforgettable experiences life can offer and this builds a kinder, more inclusive, more open-minded world.
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