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Switching Seats On A Flight Is Annoying And Everyone Should Just Stay Put

According to concerned travelers, switching seats on a flight is annoying and everyone should just stay put. Viral videos showing people changing seats without permission and instances of entitled passenger behavior, particularly in regard to airline seats, have recently increased attention to the trend of seat swapping.

Author:Jane RestureNov 14, 2023
According to concerned travelers, switching seats on a flight is annoying and everyone should just stay put. Viral videos showing people changing seats without permission and instances of entitled passenger behavior, particularly in regard to airline seats, have recently increased attention to the trend of seat swapping. This phenomenon has sparked discussions on platforms like Reddit, where passengers share stories of attempting to persuade fellow travelers to switch seats.
A recent survey by Kayak reveals the differing viewpoints of travelers on this subject. The findings indicate that a slim majority (54%) is open to seat switching, but with a caveat: it must be done "politely." However, 64% of respondents expressed reluctance to allow seat changes when the requester claimed to be a nervous flier.
Furthermore, a significant 77% of travelers are against seat swapping if the person seeking the change simply doesn't like their assigned seat. These contrasting perspectives highlight the complexities and etiquette considerations surrounding the practice of switching seats during air travel.
It's acceptable to request a seat switch if you need to sit next to your young children or an elderly relative you're caring for; however, in most other situations, it's advised to remain in your assigned seat.
Carla Bevins, a business management communication instructor at Carnegie Mellon University, emphasizes the nuanced nature of seat switching on planes. There are instances, she notes, where switching seats is strictly off-limits. This includes situations such as being in a different class of service, occupying an exit row, or when the fasten seat belt sign is illuminated.

Reason To Stay In Your Airline Seat

Besides safety concerns, swapping seats represents one of the simplest ways to find oneself in an unwinnable conflict with a fellow passenger. Consider this: you might become the protagonist of a viral video or even face the risk of being removed from the flight.
Seat-switching can introduce additional risks, making the flight potentially more hazardous for both you and your fellow travelers. Every flight maintains a manifest containing crucial information about each passenger, encompassing details like allergies, special meal requests, or connecting flights.
At the very least, you might end up with someone else's in-flight meal. At worst, you could find yourself using an EpiPen or, in extreme cases, triggering an emergency landing due to an allergic reaction to a meal or the presence of a nearby pet. The seemingly innocuous act of changing seats could have unforeseen consequences that extend beyond a mere inconvenience.
An airplane in the air
An airplane in the air
On smaller aircraft, changing seats can have repercussions for the safety of the entire plane. Prior to each flight, the crew meticulously verifies that the aircraft maintains the correct balance. If passengers switch seats, it has the potential to disrupt this balance, making it more challenging to control the aircraft.
However, the safety aspect is not the sole rationale for adhering to your assigned seat throughout the flight. Seat switching is inherently disruptive and frequently culminates in avoidable confrontations between passengers.

Switching Seats Is Rude

When etiquette experts were questioned about the topic of seat changes, they expressed strong opinions. In the past, these experts may have provided guidance on how to change seats politely. However, the consulted experts now seem to lean towards the view that most instances of seat-switching are simply impolite.
An analogy they offered likens the act of changing seats to attending a dinner party where each guest has an assigned seat with their name on it. Instead of adhering to the designated seat, the comparison suggests that it's akin to discarding the seating arrangement card and arbitrarily choosing a different place to sit.
According to etiquette expert Rosalinda Oropeza Randall, there's no obligation for individuals to go along with such behavior.
If someone asks you to switch seats, you are not obligated to do so or even consider it. You have the right to decline - politely, of course.- Rosalinda Oropeza Randall
Diane Gottsman, an etiquette expert and the proprietor of the Protocol School of Texas, contends that seat switching shouldn't pose a problem.
It's always best to plan ahead if you know you’re going to need extra legroom or want to be seated next to your best friend.- Diane Gottsman
The sentiment is shared by many, attributing part of the blame for the seat-switching trend to the airlines. By requiring economy-class passengers to pay additional fees for seat assignments, they have inadvertently given rise to a subgroup of travelers who board their flights without assigned seats, subsequently attempting to negotiate their way out of undesirable middle seats.
The suggestion is that airlines could swiftly curb the seat-switching phenomenon by allowing passengers to choose their seats without imposing extra charges. Until such a policy change occurs, the advice may be to adhere to the assigned seat to avoid complications.
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Jane Resture

Jane Resture

Since she embarked on her first world trip in 2002, Jane Resture spent the past decades sharing her personal journey and travel tips with people around the world. She has traveled to over 80 countries and territories, where she experienced other cultures, wildlife she had only read about in books, new foods, new people, and new amazing experiences. Jane believes that travel is for everyone and it helps us learn about ourselves and the world around us. Her goal is to help more people from more backgrounds experience the joy of exploration because she trusts that travel opens the door to the greatest, most unforgettable experiences life can offer and this builds a kinder, more inclusive, more open-minded world.
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